Small Group Bible Studies
Take a deeper dive into God’s Word, with our small group bible study groups!
We have…..
Wednesday Night Bible Study Group
Women’s Bible Study Group
Senior Saints
Adult Sunday School
…..And more to come!
Monday Sept 23rd our next 6 week women's Bible Study begins. We will be studying Romans by Melissa Spoelstra. Join us Mondays at 9:00am or 6:30pm. If you would like to join, please contact Gena at: email genagilligan@gmail.com
Bible Study Details:
We live in a world full of bad news. The media recounts stories of natural disasters, violence, and conflict. In the midst of all this heartbreak, we can’t lose sight of the fact that God has given us good news. We call it the gospel. It reminds us that God loves us and longs to redeem our suffering. He stepped out of eternity and into time to send us His one and only Son. The gospel truths shared with the early church at Rome echo into our day, reminding us that we still have good news to embrace personally and to share with others.
Wednesday Night Bible Study
Join us as we study the book of Revelation.
Registration is Required for this Wednesday Night Bible Study, which begins October 2, 2024.
Please click to learn more. Then click to register.
Past Bible Studies
Take a minute to check out some recent bible study group themes!
This small group series called “Not a Fan” ran for 6 weeks, with 5 different hosted groups, which ran throughout the week.
Pictured: Minister Eric Evans and Joy Evans
This 6 week series, "Another Gospel" focused on exploring the dangers of progressive Christianity and rediscovering timeless truths of historic Christian Beliefs.
Women's Bible Study Small Group
Our Ladies Bible Study session was the Study is “20/20: Seen, Chosen and Sent”! In this 7-session study, you’ll develop a new understanding of how God sees you and has chosen you to help make Jesus’ name known on this planet. Through biblical teaching and lessons from her own life, Christine will challenge you to share the story of how God’s love has transformed your life right where you are.